Thursdays in Residence Archive

Jeudi en résidence avec Iosi Havilio

Thursday 6 September 2018, 18:30
Jeudi en résidence avec Iosi Havilio

© Fondation Jan Michalski, Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Event completed




Gratuite, sur réservation

L’auteur argentin Iosi Havilio revient sur son parcours d’écrivain d’une manière amusée et amusante. Il termine son intervention par une lecture en espagnol d’un texte inédit.


A novelist and screenwriter, born in 1974 in Buenos Aires. Iosi Havilio studied philosophy, music and film. He has published the following novels: Opendoor (Entropía, Buenos Aires, 2007), Estocolmo(Mondadori, 2010), Paraísos (Mondadori/Caballo de Troya, 2012), La Serenidad (Entropía, Buenos Aires, 2014) and Pequeña flor (PRH, 2015). His works have been translated into English, Italian, French and other languages. He has been involved in several other projects: anthologies, stage productions and film screenplays.

In residence at the Jan Michalski Foundation
From 15 August to 12 September 2018