Markus Raetz Exhibition
Le reflet des mots
The exhibition is extended until Sunday 21 August!
Language is one of three parameters in the art of Markus Raetz (Bern, 1941–2020). His work is constantly seizing on and sizing up words, pushing them further, exploring their interconnections within several languages, and embodying them in eloquent visual forms – eloquent, too, in the etymological sense of “speaking out.” In this brilliant artist’s output, language is a singular source of inspiration as well as matter for an inventiveness that is bound up with both its translation into images and Raetz’s craftsmanship, the other two elements at the beating heart of his body of work. Raetz’s reflection on words and language generally is both playful and systematic, deep and done with a twinkle in the artist’s eye, personal and implying the participation of others. As the viewer looks on, one and the same stationary object embodies a no and a yes; seen from the left, above, and the right, a little brass object collectively exclaims AHA; the ich (I) at the head of a body floating in space is transformed into a wir (we) at the other end. This message counts in the artist’s thinking. He knows what we owe others and emphasizes exchange and sharing. Time to fire up our imaginations! “One’s own movement is important. I give the viewer responsibility – or free play, room to manoeuver. I want to give them certainty, like a fine instrument,” the artist once declared.
Through the sculptures, drawings, prints, and sketchbooks on display, the exhibition makes clear one of the forces at work in Raetz’s artmaking. That is, it shows what happens when words become forms and activate our perception. We are truly given to read and see plays on words, homophones, phrases whose terms make sense in two distinct languages, the unlikeliest forms of writing that are perfectly decipherable all the same, figurative illustrations that are literal, and virtuoso three-dimensional objects with surprising reversals of meaning. “There is no meaning without interpretation. If you don’t interpret, there is only a formless mass,” Raetz maintained, reinforcing our ability to discriminate.

CECI - CELA, 1992 – 1993 © Succession Markus Raetz / 2022, ProLitteris

WE - ME / Dix. Muhammad Ali, 2007 © Succession Markus Raetz / ProLitteris

NO W HERE, 1979 © Succession Markus Raetz, ProLitteris

Notizbuch VI, 1973 © Succession Markus Raetz / ProLitteris
Guest exhibition curator
Rainer Michael Mason
Featured artworks
Succession Markus Raetz, Bern – Private collections
Virtual visit
Enjoy the virtual tour !

Editing and production
Benoît Jordil, Géosud SA
Pictures in the exhibition
Leo Fabrizio
Visites guidées de l'exposition
Samedi 26 mars à 11h
Mercredi 20 avril à 11h
Jeudi 19 mai à 17h – suivie d’une conférence de Benoit Caudoux à 19h
Dimanche 22 mai à 11h – par Rainer Michael Mason
Dimanche 12 juin à 15h30 – suivie d’une conférence de Didier Semin à 17h30
Vendredi 8 juillet à 14h
Mercredi 10 août à 11h
Ateliers pour enfants
Après une promenade dans l’exposition à la découverte des œuvres de Markus Raetz, venez mettre les mots sens dessus dessous lors d’un atelier créatif. Avec un goûter en guise de conclusion.
Jeudi 21 avril de 14h30 à 17h30
Mercredi 18 mai de 14h30 à 17h30
Mercredi 8 juin de 14h30 à 17h30