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In the Jura Vaudois Park

©Stéphane Godin-Suisse Tourisme

©Stéphane Godin-Suisse Tourisme

The Regional Nature Park of the Vaudois Jura covers over 531 km2, from the peak of La Dôle to Romainmôtier, and the villages of the Pied du Jura to the Joux Valley, and includes the ridge of the Jura and its three mountain passes, La Givrine, Le Marchairuz, and Le Mollendruz. Both in winter and in summer, a large range of hikes and activities make it possible to discover the region’s great outdoors, its preserved landscapes, wooded pastures, alpine chalets, and beautiful drystone walls, with a stunning unobstructive view of the Lake Geneva basin and the Alps.