Resident Related

Inès Halimi
From 20 February to 2 April 2023

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti


Born in 1993 in Paris, the multitalented Inès Halimi is an author, composer, singer, pianist, and actor. She is the art director of the company …Sans Oublier…, which she cofounded in 2018 with Marc Mayoraz, creating and producing multidisciplinary shows that combine music, theater, literature, dance, and painting. She also composes music for renowned artists like Marina Viotti, the Quatuor Ellipsos, and the Trio Messiaen. Her compositions have been published by Éditions Musicales Artchipel since 2022.