Resident Related

Elisabeth Monteiro Rodrigues
From 6 February to 11 March 2019

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti


Born in 1973, Elisabeth Monteiro Rodrigues lives and works in Paris. After completing her studies in the History of the Ancient Near East, she turned to the book trade. She worked for the Portuguese and Brazilian bookstore Michel Chandeigne from 2000 to 2015. She is a literary translator of Portuguese-speaking authors such as Teolinda Gersão, João Ricardo Pedro, Valério Romão, Manuel Rui or Noémia de Sousa. Since 2005, she has also been translating the works of Mozambique author Mia Couto. She won the Grand Prix de traduction de la ville d’Arles 2018 for the book by Valério Romão, Da Família / De la famille (Chandeigne publishing).