
Bibliotopia 2023 | Interview with Eduardo Berti and Oriane Jeancourt Galignani

«Changing Perspectives on Family Secrets. »
Moderated by Geneviève Bridel

Eduardo Berti is an Argentine translator, journalist, novelist, French and Spanish short story writer and Oulipo member. His works include « Aqua » (tr. Alexander Cameron, Pushkin, 2003), « La vie impossible » (Actes Sud, 2003, Prix Libralire), « Le pays imaginé » (2013, Prix Las Américas), « An Ideal Presence » (tr. David Levin Becker, Fern Books, 2021). « Un père étranger » and « Un fils étranger » (La Contre Allée, tr. into French by Jean-Marie Saint-Lu, 2021) explore family secrets against the backdrop of exile.

Oriane Jeancourt Galignani, writer, literary critic, and editor-in-chief of the French cultural magazine « Transfuge », has published several novels with Grasset, including « Hadamar » (2017, Prix de La Closerie des Lilas) and « La femme-écrevisse » (2020). « Quand l’arbre tombe » (2022, Prix Terre de France) explores a delicate relationship between father and daughter in the midst of the uncertainties of old age and buried family tragedies.

Jan Michalski Foundation, 2 April 2023