Suzanne Doppelt
From 5 February to 6 March 2020

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
The writer and photographer Suzanne Doppelt lives and works in Paris, where she was born. She has published some ten books with Editions P.O.L, most of which revolve around the concept of perception. Her latest work, Rien à cette magie (2018), is inspired by Chardin’s Soap Bubbles. She was managing editor of Bayard Press’s Le rayon des curiosités imprint and is now on the editorial board of the journal Vacarme. Several of her books are available in English translation, including Ring Rang Wrong (Burning Deck, 2004), The Field Is Lethal(Counterpath Press, 2011), and Lazy Suzie (Litmus Press, 2015).