
Pascal Jonovjak
From 14 October to 11 December 2024

© Yves Leresche

© Yves Leresche



Born in 1975 in Basel, Switzerland, Pascal Janovjak studied comparative literature in Strasbourg before working as a teacher and a cultural professional in the Middle East and Asia. He wrote a collection of prose poems, created a fictionalized correspondence with the French-Canadian author Kim Thuy, and has penned a number of novels. Translated into several languages, Le zoo de Rome (Actes Sud, 2020) garnered various awards, including the Prix Suisse de littérature and the Prix Michel-Dentan. His latest book, Le voyage du Salem, has just been brought out by Actes Sud. For readers of English, The Rome Zoo (2021) is available from Black Inc., an imprint of Schwartz Books.