Resident Related

Oliver Rohe
From 1 May to 26 June 2019

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti


Born in Beirut in 1972, Oliver Rohe is the author of three novels, Défaut d’origine (Allia, 2003), Terrain vague (Allia, 2005), Un peuple en petit(Gallimard, 2009), one biographical fiction on Mikhaïl Kalachnikov, Ma dernière création est un piège à taupes (Inculte, 2012) and two essays, Une année en France, with Frédéric Bégaudeau and Arno Bertina (Gallimard, 2005), and A fendre le cœur le plus dur, with Jérôme Ferrari (Inculte/Dernière marge, 2015). He is one of the founding members of Inculte collective. He also writes radio plays for France Culture and works with several magazines and journals.