Marcos Caramés-Blanco
From 9 October to 5 November 2023

© Fondation Jan Michalski, Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
Born in 1995 in the Pyrenees, the dramatist Marcos Caramés-Blanco is a graduate of the Writing Department of France’s prestigious theater arts school, the École nationale supérieure des arts et techniques du théâtre (ENSATT). His plays notably include Gloria Gloria (Éditions Théâtrales, February 2023), À sec, Trigger Warning, Ce qui m’a pris, and Bouche cousue. Recipient of a Jacques Toja Grant in 2022, he did his residency at La Colline-théâtre national with the actor Lucas Faulong in order to continue working on the themes of youth and marginalization. His texts have been staged by Rémy Barché, Sarah Delaby-Rochette, Maëlle Dequiedt, Isis Fahmy, and Jonathan Mallard.