Kenneth R. Rosen
From 4 September to 19 September 2024

United States
Kenneth R. Rosen is an American writer, journalist and war correspondent, author of two nonfiction books Bulletproof Vest (Bloomsbury, 2020) and Troubled: The Failed Promise of America’s Behavioral Treatment Programs (Little A, 2021). He is an associate fellow at the ICSR at King’s College London, and received the 2022 Kurt Schork Freelance Award for his reporting from Ukraine, Syria, and Malta, which the judges called ‘‘courageous multifaceted investigative work.’’ He is a two-time finalist for the Livingston Award in international reporting and, among other honors, he received the 2018 Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award. He is currently writing a book about the Arctic for Simon & Schuster to be published in 2025. He lives in Northern Italy.