Jèssica Ferrer Escandell
From 13 May to 10 June 2025

© D.R
Jèssica Ferrer Escandell is a writer and poet born and based in the countryside of Ibiza. She studied Catalan Philology at the University of Barcelona, and taught Catalan linguistics, culture and literature at the University of São Paulo. In 2022, she published Som aquí (LaBreu), a collection of poems on life and the connection with the Earth. The book was awarded the Francesc Garriga Prize. Published in 2023, Fissures (Fonoll) uses a poetic prose to follow the physical and metaphorical path that the life of a young woman takes. The author is a regular performer in Spain and Brazil as part of the collective Ses Honorables Virtuts Il·lògiques, which she cofounded.