
Emil Marat
From 13 April to 31 May 2022

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti


The Polish journalist and writer Emil Marat was born in 1971. He graduated with a degree in philosophy from the University of Warsaw and is the author of award-winning history books. Made in Poland(Wielka Litera, 2014) is an extended interview with a legendary soldier of the Polish underground during the WWII living in Paris, Stanislas Likiernik; the book was awarded a prize by the largest Polish weekly magazine Polityka in 2015. Sen Kolumba (W.A.B., 2018), a literary reportage, was nominated for the Polish Nike literary award in 2019. His recent historical novel, Studnie Norymbergi (Wielka Litera, 2021), surveys the origins of evil, the Holocaust and the desire for revenge.