Daniel Saldaña París
From 19 June to 16 July 2024

© Fondation Jan Michalski, Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
The essayist and novelist Daniel Saldaña París was born in Mexico City. He is the author of three novels and one essay collection. He has been a fellow at Art OMI, MacDowell, MALBA (Argentina), and the Cullman Center for Writers and Scholars at the NYPL. In 2017, he was named by the Hay Festival as one of the best Latin American writers under the age of forty, and in 2020, he won the Eccles Centre and Hay Festival Writer’s Award in the UK. His work has been translated into several languages. English readers have several titles available to them, Among Strange Victims (Coffee House Press, 2017) and Ramifications (Coffee House Press, 2020), while several of his poems are included in the anthology collection México20, New Voices, Old Traditions (Pushkin Press, 2015).