Cristina Rivera Garza
From 19 October to 15 December 2021

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
Born in 1964 along Mexico’s northeastern border in Matamoros, the writer, critic, translator, historian, and distinguished professor Cristina Rivera Garza holds a Ph.D. in Latin American history. She divides her time between Mexico and the United States. In 2016 she founded a Ph.D. program in creative writing in Spanish at the University of Houston and continues to serve as the program’s director. She is the award-winning author of nearly twenty books that include novels, collections of short stories and poetry, and nonfiction works, interrogating culturally constructed notions of language, memory, and gender from a transnational perspective. Her works available in English translation include No One Will See Me Cry (Curbstone Press, 2003), The Iliac Crest (The Feminist Press, 2017), and The Taiga Syndrome (Dorothy Project, 2018).