Cécile Palusinski
From 1 June to 21 June 2023

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
A graduate of the l’École du Louvre and the Institut supérieur de commerce in Paris, Cécile Palusinski is an author, publisher, and president of La plume de paon, an association that promotes audiobooks. She has published several books, including the collection of illustrated poems Pages d’arbres, which the Centre de créations pour l’enfance brought out in 2021. She was behind the transmedia projects Arbres Mondes and Nord Sud, which were selected for the Bolognaragazzi CrossMedia Award. She is currently at work on an enhanced sound fresco, La forêt universelle, which was one of the four finalists of two residencies, the Villa Medici’s XR VR and the Taiwan XR Residency.