
Anne-Marie Filaire
From 20 June to 19 July 2023

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti


Born in 1961 in Chamalières, France, Anne-Marie Filaire is a photographer, author of several radio plays that have been broadcast on France Culture, and teacher at the Institut d’études politiques in Paris. Taking the form of a poetic exploration of humans vis-à-vis their surroundings, her work is articulated around the question of landscapes and the personal concerns of peoples facing the turmoil of geopolitics. In particular, she exposed the reality of a “temporary security zone,” publishing Zone de sécurité temporaire (Textuel/Mucem, 2017). This collection of her photographs earned her the Prix du meilleur livre de photographie at the International Art Books and Films Festival in Perpignan. Revealing the transformation of a city through extractivism, her collection Terres, sols profonds du Grand Paris was published in 2020 by La Découverte. Filaire’s photography has been shown in many institutions and museums both in France and abroad. In 2022, she was named Chevalière de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters).