Anita Rochedy
From 4 June to 25 June 2020

Fondation Jan Michalski © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
Born in France in 1984, Anita Rochedy has been living in Switzerland since 2004, where she translates from the Italian and English. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva and the European Centre for Literary Translation (CETL), Brussels. She owes her start in literary translation to Paolo Cognetti’sLe garçon sauvage (Il ragazzo selvatico), published by Editions Zoé in 2016. She has translated the same author’s Les huit montagnes (Le otto montagne), published by Stock in 2017 (and winner of the Prix Médicis étranger). In 2019 the Collection bilingue imprint of Éditions d’en-bas brought out Nuovi giorni di polvere/Nouveaux jours de poussière by Yari Bernasconi, a joint publication with the Centre for Literary Translation of the University of Lausanne, and Service de presse Suisse. Anita was also awarded the Prix Terra Nova by the Schiller Foundation of Switzerland in 2018.