Andreas Jandl
From 24 October to 14 November 2024

© Fondation Jan Michalski, Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
Born in 1975, Andreas Jandl studied theater and French and English literature in Berlin, London, and Montreal. Since 2000 he has worked as a German-language translator of French and English literature. He has given German versions of works by a roster of authors as varied as David Diop, Elisa Shua Dusapin, Nicolas Dickner, Dara McAnulty, Gabrielle Chapdelaine, and Vincent Message. His work has earned him several awards, including the Wieland Translation Prize in 2017 and the Eugen Helmlé Translation Prize in 2021. He has also written two books himself, Den Sankt-Lorenz entlang bis ans Ende der Welt (Corso, 2020) and Gurke (Mandelbaum, 2022).