
Bibliotopia 2024 | Interview with Constance Debré

"The Cost of Freedom"
Moderated by Salomé Kiner

Constance Debré, a lawyer by profession, is a French writer whose subversive oeuvre includes four novels. Winner of the Prix de la Coupole and the Prix Les Inrockuptibles, "Play Boy" (Tuskar Rock, 2024) and "Love Me Tender" (Tuskar Rock, 2023) examine many facets of identity and love. Both were translated by Holly James. More recently published in French by Flammarion, "Nom" (2022) and "Offenses" (2023) continue to break the conventions wrought by family, heteronormativity, and the justice system, all while questioning of the price of freedom.

Fondation Jan Michalski, Sunday 24 March