Exposition Paul Éluard, Gérald Cramer, Joan Miró
À toute épreuve
The collaborative project that brought together the poet Paul Éluard (1895–1952), the publisher Gérald Cramer (1916–1991) and the artist Joan Miró (1893–1983) for the 1958 publication of À toute épreuve produced one of the finest artist’s books of the 20th century.
Éluard wrote the collection’s poems between 1929 and 1930, when Gala, whom he had married in 1917, was growing distant and began an affair with Salvador Dalí. It was also at this time that the poet met Nusch (Maria Benz), who would become his second wife. The texts were published by Éditions surréalistes in 1930, but it was only in 1947, after a discussion with Gérald Cramer, that the project of publishing the poems as an artist’s book with illustrations by Joan Miró was born.
Much taken by the design of a 1914 edition of Stéphan Mallarmé’s poem Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard, Éluard spread his verses over some forty double pages of the initial layout. Cramer, who oversaw the evolving design of the book step by step, allowed the poet complete freedom in establishing the importance of the typography and its place on the page. Working from their instructions, Miró came up with the idea of making the publication a polychrome sculpture as much as a book. The artist discovered the woodcuts of Paul Gauguin at Cramer’s and, drawing inspiration from Japanese prints, decided to work with wood engraving. In all the artist did 233 woodcuts, which were carved, “sculpted,” and printed in color. With the poems they form a series of landscapes of words and images.

© Successió Miró, 2020, ProLitteris, Zurich

Bois taillés contrecollés sur planche de pin, restes d’encres d’impression © Successió Miró, 2020, ProLitteris, Zurich
Miró’s letters to Cramer attest to the long hours that went into creating and printing off the woodcuts. The completed book was published in 1958. Just 130 copies were printed off and shown that same year for the first time at Galerie Berggruen in Paris.
Working with the Fundació Joan Miró, which devoted a show to him in 2017, the Jan Michalski Foundation for Writing and Literature will in turn tell the story of this major publication and artist’s book through correspondence, photographs, woodcuts, and the six conserved mock-ups of the book. Four copies of the original edition on display allow visitors to view all of the pages.

À toute épreuve, Éditions Gérald Cramer, Genève, 1958, Exemplaire original du livre d’artiste © Successió Miró, 2020, ProLitteris, Zurich / Éditions Gallimard
Christopher Green, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
Natalia Granero, the Jan Michalski Foundation, Montricher, Switzerland
Documents collection
Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona – BGE Bibliothèque de Genève, the Gérald Cramer Archives, Geneva – Musées d’art et d’histoire, Cabinet d’arts graphiques, Geneva – the Martin Bodmer Foundation, Cologny – Stiftung Ernst Scheidegger-Archiv, Zurich – the Nicolas Ducimetière’s Collection, Geneva – Tania Grand d’Hauteville, Geneva – Patrick Cramer, Geneva

© Successió Miró, 2020, ProLitteris, Zurich
In collaboration with
Visites commentées de l'exposition
Samedi 29 février à 15h
Dimanche 15 mars à 15h
Samedi 18 avril à 15h
Moments famille « Écrire, dessiner, éditer… notre livre d’artiste ! »
Inspirez-vous avec une visite de l’exposition Paul Éluard, Gérald Cramer, Joan Miró | À toute épreuve. Participez ensuite en famille à un atelier de création d’un petit livre d’artiste, en compagnie de l’auteure et artiste Julia Sørensen. Le maître-mot sera : la collaboration des talents ! Et enfin régalez-vous d’un goûter en guise de conclusion.
Mercredi 11 mars de 14h à 16h30
Mercredi 8 avril de 14h à 16h30
Concert et lecture

Le sacré bouquin d'Éluard et Miró exposé à Montricher
Article de Julien Burri, Le Temps
Le sang et les fleurs
Article d'Étienne Barilier, Artpassions